Intelligent power module with inverter topology
- Sign: Mitsubishi.
- Model: PM75RL1A060.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2011
Intelligent power module with inverter topology
- Sign: Fuji.
- Model: 6MBP100RA060-55.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2011
Electric car
- Sign: REVA.
- Model: i Basico.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2010
- Detail of the application: Experimental platform for electric motor, battery and battery charger.
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- Description: Synchronous Motor with 5.4 kW.
- Sign: Mavilor.
- Model: MA-55.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2010
- Detail of the application: To be aimed in wheel.
Li-ion batteries
- Description: Nominal Voltage 14.8 V; Nominal Capacity 7 Ah.
- Sign: Saft.
- Model: MP176065.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2010
NiMH batteries
- Description: Nominal Voltage 12 V; Nominal Capacity 10 Ah.
- Sign: Saft.
- Model: 10 VHT F.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2010
Dynamic torque transducer
- Sign: Lorenz.
- Model: DR-2112.
- Manufacture year: 01/04/2011
- Sign: Merobel.
- Model: FAT-350.
- Manufacture year: 01/04/2011
Software for Dranetz PX5
- Description: Dranview Is a Windows based package that enables power professionals to simply an quickly visualize and analyze power monitoring data for the PX5 of Dranetz.
- Sign: Dranetz.
- Model: Dranview.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2007
- Detail of the application: It provides the reading of the measures captured by the PX5 in the PC to analyze the obtained data.
Software for Omicron CMC 256
- Sign: Omicron.
- Model: Quick CMC, Over current, Enerlyzer, Differential.
- Manufacture year: 27/06/2007
Check Unit for electric supply
- Description: Checking device with four-phase voltage / six-phase current for electromechanical and digital protection relay of energy electricity meters and converters and inteligent electronic devices.
- Sign: Omicron.
- Model: CMC256.
- Manufacture year: 27/06/2007
- Detail of the application: Capacity to measure, to check network protocols an to register transients.
Real time control platform basis on PC
- Description: Real time control system basis on MATLAB xPCTarget and PC with acquisition data device and standard counter device.
- Sign: PE&ES.
- Manufacture year: 01/12/2005
- Detail of the application: This platform allows to evaluate and develop real time control systems for power electronic and electrical systems.
Power quality analyzer
- Description: Three phase power quality analyzer with oscilloscope and data registry. Measure of tension, current, active, reactive and apparent power, power factor, frequency and distortion rates. Measure of the neutral current and movement factor. Information about imbalances in tension, current and phase. Energy measure monitoring: kWh and kVARh. Measure of the flicker and harmonics.
- Sign: LEM.
- Model: ANALYST 3QC.
- Manufacture year: 17/05/2005
- Detail of the application: Measure and evaluation of the electric supply quality. Report according to the UNE-EN 50160.
Power quality analyzer
- Description: Four channels for tension and four channels for current or eight channels for tension. Measures of three phase systems up to 1000V, phase currents y and neutral conductor up to 6000A. THD, flicker, harmonics, interharmonics, transitories, voltage imbalances. Quality voltage according to the EN50160. Perturbations detections in lines. Peak currents influences in the tension quality. Location of the perturbation sources in the distribution network. Test of ripple control systems.
- Sign: LEM.
- Model: TOPAS 1000.
- Manufacture year: 17/05/2005
- Detail of the application: Measure and evaluation of the electric supply quality following the national and international rules and standards.
Power quality analyzer
- Description: Measure and register device with 4 current inputs and 4 voltage inputs that could register any disturbance with its sample rate up to 1MHz.
- Sign: Dranetz.
- Model: PX5.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2007
- Detail of the application: Measuring ability in oscilloscope mode and register events in continuous time.
Tekprobe power supply
- Description: Probe converter for the measure of high tensions and currents.
- Sign: Tektronix.
- Model: 1103.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2005
- Detail of the application: Advanced Tektronix probe to conventional probe converter, which allow to use conventional oscilloscopes. Offset adjustable.
Multilevel IGBT
- Description: Multilevel inverter of SEMIKRON with voltage and current senses. The elements used for its assembly are the following:-SKM 100 GB 123, SKM 100 GAR 123, SKM 100 GAL 123: IGBT modules with three power outputs (1, 2, 3) and 2 or 4 control inputs (4, 5 for GAR, 6, 7 for GAL y 4, 5, 6, 7 for GB respectively).-SKHI10: driver with a 14 pins input connector to introduce the control signals and three output terminals to control the IGBTs. It contains a galvanic coupling between the input and the output, because of the last one monitoring the collector-emitter voltage of the IGBT to protect against short-circuits. Two working modes: 15V y 5V (short wires).-LA 205-S: Current HALL effect transducer.-VS500B: Tension sense.
- Sign: Semikron.
- Model: Multinivel.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2005
- Detail of the application: Power platform to evaluate new topologies and control algorithms of power circuits.
Measures Logger
- Description: Acquisition data device with 8 or 16 voltage or current measure channels with 1 microsecond precision and 40GB storage. Display for visualization and monitoring included.
- Sign: Graphtec.
- Model: GL1000 HardDisk Logger.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2008
- Detail of the application: Capture and register of the measure channels during long periods of time.
High voltage differential probe
- Description: Differential tension probe with active coupling.
- Sign: Tektronix.
- Model: P5205.
- Manufacture year: 08/09/2004
- Detail of the application: It allows to measure high voltages in an insulating way. The measure requires an advanced Tektronix connection.
Switching signals generator
- Description: TTL Shoot signals generator that can be controlled locally or remotely via serial port. The technology that carries consists of a PIC microcontroller, which could be selected in a wide variety of available models.
- Sign: PE&ES.
- Model: PICCI.
- Manufacture year: 08/09/2004
- Detail of the application: Low cost control platform for power electronic applications that allows to execute several control algorithms that could be updated easily. It has an educational application, because it is compatible with the ALECOP educational products.
Three phase rectifier + three branches inverter with brake
- Description: Three branches IGBT multifunction converter. Transparent box that allows visualizing the whole components. IP2X protection to minimize safety risks. BNC external connectors for every device. Integrated unity of drivers that offers a short-cirtuit detection and cut off, failure supply detection, galvanic coupling for the user. Air cooler.
- Sign: Semikron.
- Manufacture year: 09/01/2004
- Detail of the application: Power platform to evaluate topologies and control algorithms of power circuits.
Three phase rectifier + four branches inverter
- Description: Four branches IGBT multifunction converter. Transparent box that allows visualizing the whole components. IP2X protection to minimize safety risks. BNC external connectors for every device. Integrated unity of drivers that offers a short-cirtuit detection and cut off, failure supply detection, galvanic coupling for the user. Air cooler.
- Sign: Semikron.
- Manufacture year: 09/01/2004
- Detail of the application: Power platform to evaluate topologies and control algorithms of power circuits.
PE&ES active harmonic equalizer
- Description: Active harmonic equalizer prototype that consists of a multitopology with air and iron coils basis on the real time control platform dSpace 1104 and with measure PCB that contains HALL effect sensors.
- Sign: PE&ES.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2004
- Detail of the application: The active harmonic equalizer PE&ES could be applied at industrial environments to eliminate harmonics of current unbalances and obtain a unity power factor. In function of the design of this converter, it allows to configure the most suitable topology and control in function of the environment and the supply problems elected. It can be used as a test equipment to make some studies that permits to elect the most suitable equipment to resolve the detected problem.
Sinewave SW 30 active harmonic equalizer
- Description: Active harmonic filter.
- Sign: MGE UPS Systems.
- Model: Sinewave SW 30.
- Manufacture year: 31/12/2003
- Detail of the application: Equipment for tests and evaluation of installations with harmonic problems that allows : Define the harmonic range that are desired to be equalized. Make the reactive energy compensation to increase the Phi cosine of the load and come back to the Phi cosine margin that imposes the energy supplier. Visualize the measures and others values detected by the equipment. Optional dialogue with an external automaton via RS422/485 in JBUS protocol. The active harmonic equalizer Sinewave measures continuously the load current and refreshes immediately the network currents. It adapts to the load variations and the harmonic spectrum of the installation to obtain an optimal behaviour at any time.
Fast simulation/prototyping
- Description: Simulation platform and control programs generation.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2005
- Detail of the application: It allows the simulation of control algorithms for power electronic systems. It can generate the control programs and download in the corresponding real time control platform.
Real time control platform
- Description: dSpace 1104 PCI real time control platform plus terminal board to introduce and extract signals from and to PC respectively. The included software for the control of the application is Controldesk. Basis on DSP with analogical and/or digital inputs and outputs, encoders, CAN bus...
- Sign: dSpace.
- Model: DS 1104.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2002
- Detail of the application: It allows the evaluation of control for power electronic systems. It allows a fast prototyping because of it can be combined with the application Simulink of MATLAB.
Digital oscilloscope basis on Windows with hard disk
- Description: The oscilloscope is a tool for acquisition, visualization and measuring of waveforms, with a Windows 2000 environment. It is a solution for the verification, debug and description sophisticated electronic designs, with classic style analogical controls. Optional tactile screen and graphics menus that provides an intuitive control basis on Windows 2000. Up to 1 GHz bandwidth and 5 Gigasamples per second. Recording length up to 8 millions of samples. With four channels. Full programming via GPIB. CD-RW. Integrated thermal printer. Floppy disk 3 1/2.
- Sign: Tektronix.
- Model: TDS 5034.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2002
- Detail of the application: Measure and register of waveforms. It allows to obtain the frequency spectrum, too.
Oscilloscope + digital analyzer
- Description: The oscilloscope is a tool for acquisition, visualization and measuring of waveforms and digital signals. The screen shows the current analogical or digital input signals. Position selection channel control and inputs labels. General controls to measure, save and recovery the results and configure the oscilloscope. Channels input by means of flexible polling system.
- Sign: HP.
- Model: 54645A.
- Manufacture year: 01/12/1997
- Detail of the application: It allows to evaluate the operation of electronic circuits because it can show digital and analogical signals simultaneous. It can acquire and register waveforms and to obtain the frequency spectrum...
Solar array simulator
- Description: The solar array simulator is a constant power source that simulate the characteristics of a photovoltaic panel. It is a current source with a very low output capacitance. The I-V characteristic could be programmed as a photovoltaic panel under different conditions like temperature and year. That programming could be done via HP IB bus.
- Sign: HP.
- Model: HP E4351B.
- Manufacture year: 01/12/1997
- Detail of the application: To simulate the solar panels behaviour to analyze the operation of solar energy injection systems. The solar array simulator permits three types of operation: Fixed mode, the I-V characteristic is rectangular. Simulation mode, the I-V characteristic is generated by introducing 4 parameters. Table mode, the curve is specified point to point with a maximum of 4000 points.
Tekprobe power supply
- Description: Evaluation module for the AC motor, that contains the next measure instrumentation: Digital electronic tachometer. Digital electronic pair gauge. Digital electronic wattmeter.
- Model: DL10055.
- Manufacture year: 15/02/1996
- Detail of the application: This equipment allows to carry out the tests for the electronic mechanisms that are developed to control process and installations just as the working of a motor when is integrated in process and installations.
Digital oscilloscope with four channels
- Description: The oscilloscope is a tool for acquisition, visualization and measuring of waveforms. Full programming by GPIB. Up to 500 MHz analogical bandwidth. Digitalization rate till 500 megasamples per second.
- Sign: Tektronix.
- Model: TDS 510A.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2002
- Detail of the application: Measure and registry of waveforms. It allows to obtain the frequency spectrum and the instantaneous power, too.
AC power source/analyzer
- Description: The AC source combines three instruments in one device: Functions generator, it produces signals with a programmable amplitude, frequency and shape. Bipolar amplifier, it amplifies the signal of the functions generator to produce the AC power for the application. Measures block, with capacitances for the analysing of the waveforms.
- Sign: HP.
- Model: 6834B.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/1996
- Detail of the application: Operation tests of devices that are supplied with waveforms that contains perturbations. It allows making immunity analysis inside the evaluation of the electromagnetic compatibility of a definite load.
Transformer to measure high currents
- Description: Transformer for high currents.
- Sign: Tektronix.
- Model: CT-4.
- Manufacture year: 01/03/1994
- Detail of the application: The high current transformer CT-4 was designed to extend the capacity of the current measures of the Tektronix probes with a range 1000 greater. It includes a gun handle with two containers to connect the Tektronix probes. It can measure up to 3000 volts.
Power supply system
- Description: This power supply system is a auto scalable HP IB supplier. It contains over tensions protection interrupting the energy if a preset voltage is exceeded.
- Sign: HP.
- Model: 6035A.
- Manufacture year: 18/01/1991
- Detail of the application: To supply other equipment with constant currents or voltages.
Thermal Imager
- Sign: Fluke.
- Model: TiR1.
- Manufacture year: 01/09/2010
PXI control platform
- Sign: National Instruments.
- Model: NI PXI-1031.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2010
Electric Bycicle
- Sign: BH.
- Model: Emotion 2012 - Xpress 650.
- Manufacture year: 01/09/2011
Power quality analyzer
- Description: Four channels for tension and four channels for current or eight channels for tension. Measures of three phase systems up to 1000V, phase currents y and neutral conductor up to 6000A. THD, flicker, harmonics, interharmonics, transitories, voltage imbalances. Quality voltage according to the EN50160. Perturbations detections in lines. Peak currents influences in the tension quality. Location of the perturbation sources in the distribution network. Test of ripple control systems.
- Sign: Fluke.
- Model: 1760TR.
- Manufacture year: 01/12/2011
- Detail of the application: Measure and evaluation of the electric supply quality following the national and international rules and standards.
Board for measuring instantaneous currents and voltages
- Description: Up to four Hall effect voltage channels and six Hall effect current channels.
- Sign: PE&ES.
- Manufacture year: 01/04/2010
- Sign: Maxwell Technologies.
- Model: BMOD 0165 P048 B01 165F/48V.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2010
xPCTarget Rapid prototyping control platform
- Sign: Speedgoat.
- Model: Automation real time control machine.
- Manufacture year: 01/04/2011
Non-controlled rectifier
- Sign: BOAR.
- Model: REC212.
- Manufacture year: 02/07/1997
USB Data acquisition board
- Sign: National Instruments.
- Model: NI USB 6343.
- Manufacture year: 01/05/2011
Motor control development board
- Sign: Microchip.
- Model: dsPICDEM MC1.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2011
Labview control platform
- Sign: National Instruments.
- Model: SbRIO 9632.
- Manufacture year: 01/03/2012
Labview control platform
- Sign: National Instruments.
- Model: SbRIO 9631.
- Manufacture year: 01/03/2012
DSP Development system
- Sign: Spectrum Digital Incorporated.
- Model: eZDSP F28335.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2011
Control development board
- Sign: Microchip.
- Model: dsPICDEM 1.1 plus.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2011
Scopemeter Color
- Sign: Fluke.
- Model: 196C.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2011
3 branch inverter
- Sign: Semikron.
- Model: SKS 67F B6CI 37 V12.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2010
4 branch inverter
- Sign: Semikron.
- Model: SKS 230F B8CI 190 V12.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2009
Inverter power module
- Sign: Microchip.
- Model: dsPIC MC1 Power Module.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2007
Semikron driver for three branches
- Sign: Semikron.
- Model: SKHI 61.
- Manufacture year: 01/01/2012
GSM Modem
- Sign: MTX Terminals.
- Model: 65.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2010
3G Router
- Sign: Digi.
- Model: Connect WAN 3G.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2010
Power quality analyzer
- Sign: Fluke.
- Model: 435.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2011
DSP Development system
- Sign: Spectrum Digital Incorporated.
- Model: eZDSP F2812.
- Manufacture year: 01/06/2011